Best chest physician in bhopal

Chest Physician

Best Chest Physician in Bhopal

Dr Ankit Tomar is a Best Chest Physician In Bhopal. Breath is life. To breathe is to live, and life cannot exist without breath. A person can survive for a few days without food, but not for long periods of time without relaxing. On the entire planet, respiratory illnesses are the primary causes of death and disability. Due to its constant exposure to airborne particles, synthetics, and inescapable organisms, the lung is the most vulnerable internal organ to contamination and injury. Among the most common causes of severe illness and death around the world are COPD, asthma, severe diseases of the lower respiratory tract, tuberculosis, and cellular breakdown in the lungs. Consult chest physician in bhopal is one of the most effective ways to improve one's health is through prevention, treatment, and control of respiratory infections.



Problems with the pleura and lungs are dealt with by the medical faculty. Any individual who suffers from lung problems such as persistent cough, chest pain, fever, weight loss, pneumonia, or bronchial asthma. Get the best treatment with chest physician in bhopal.


An asthmatic condition is one in which swelling in the lungs causes the tubes to narrow, making it difficult to breathe. With or without treatment, the severity of symptoms varies from time to time. It usually runs in families and can happen at any age. Consult the best chest physician in bhopal. Bronchial asthma can result in persistent symptoms, significant morbidity, and even fatal attacks if left untreated or under control.


The immune system of the body reacts abnormally to substances in the environment that are generally innocuous to most people, resulting in allergies. These substances are known as allergens. Many things can be irritating to people with allergies.

Critical Care Specialist Chest Pain

It's normal, but it's not usually caused by your heart, according to our best chest doctor in Bhopal. Essential absence of vitamin D can do that yet more testing to examine could be aspiratory embolism. Assuming you suffer from chest pain, neglect an intense or persistent contributor. You can find the cause and the solution with the help of an orderly clinical assessment.

Tuberculosis (TB)

It is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and spread by the droplet infection from the infected persons. The hatching time frame is around 2 - 10 weeks. Chronic cough, a low-grade fever, haemoptysis, and weight loss are some of the symptoms. Get treated with best chest physician in Bhopal.

Sleep Disorder

A sleep disorder can have an impact on your well-being, safety, and overall health. We are the best chest specialist in Bhopal. Lack of sleep can influence your capacity to drive securely and increment your risk of other medical conditions. A group of conditions that make it hard to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis is known as sleep disorders. whether they are brought on by an illness or too much stress. Conditions that cause changes in how you sleep are known as sleep disorders.
Sleep problems can sometimes be a sign of other medical or mental health issues. When the underlying cause is treated, these sleeping issues may eventually resolve.

  • EBUS is a relatively new tool on the block.
  • It is like doing bronchoscopy with a special scope with an inbuilt ultrasound.
  • It is used to sample lymph nodes in our chest to diagnose diseases like Tuberculosis, Sarcoidosis, lymphoma and malignancies.

Using a thin, bright tube called a bronchoscope, a bronchoscopist can look directly at the lungs' airways. The bronchoscope is inserted into the mouth or the nose. It is dropped down the throat and windpipe (windpipe), and into the aviation routes. The voice box (larynx), trachea, large airways to the lungs (bronchi), and smaller branches of the bronchi (bronchioles) are then visible to a healthcare provider. Consult the best chest physician in Bhopal.

There are 2 types of bronchoscope: flexible and rigid. Both types come in different widths.

A rigid bronchoscope is a straight tube. It is only utilized for observing the larger airways. Within the bronchi, it can be used to:

  • A lot of blood or secretions should be removed
  • Control bleeding
  • Remove foreign objects
  • Remove diseased tissue (lesions)
  • Do procedures, such as stents and other treatments

A flexible bronchoscope is used more often. It can be moved down into the smaller airways (bronchioles) in contrast to the rigid scope. You can use the flexible bronchoscope for:

  • Place a breathing tube in the airway to help give oxygen
  • Suction out secretions
  • Take tissue samples (biopsy)
  • Put medicine into the lungs
Chronic Bronchitis Endobronchial Ultrasound

It is an additional technique and addition to standard bronchoscopy. It has the advantage of allowing us to visualize and analyze the structures surrounding primary aviation routes. We are the chest specialist doctor in bhopal.

Chronic Cough

There are numerous causes of cough, and if it persists for more than two to three weeks, it should be evaluated. Allergic bronchitis is the most common cause of chronic cough, but other serious conditions must be ruled out. As a result, it's best to see a doctor and have some basic testing done.

Visit and consult the top chest physician in Bhopal.